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Using Gospels is only one way to share your faith. But since 1893, members of The Pocket Testament League have found sharing God's Word with others by giving away Scripture is an exceptionally powerful way to bring others the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The word "Gospel" literally means "Good News." A Greek word used by the apostles who wrote about Jesus, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed lives everywhere it is shared. No human words can match the impact of God's own words. The Bible tells us that Scripture is like a ‘two edged sword’ that cuts through our emotional barriers and reveals the heart of God. When people read God's Word, they are touched right to their core with an impact that can never be matched any other way.
Helen Cadbury, founder of The Pocket Testament League, once said, “If only we can get people to read the book for themselves it will surely lead them to Christ.”
The Gospel of John is one of four books of the Bible that talk about the life of Jesus. It has some unique elements that make it well suited for evangelism. John wrote to impress upon the reader that Jesus was the Son of God, fully human yet fully divine because He was filled with the Spirit and power of God. John walked with Jesus, talked with and was taught by Jesus personally. As an eyewitness, he contrasted the many miracles of Jesus that demonstrated His awesome power with His servant's heart. The result is a book that speaks clearly about Jesus' love and forgiveness and the promise of eternal life for those who believe in Jesus and His Father who sent Him.
John wrote his Gospel with a specific purpose in mind, which he describes near the end of his book. He wrote that “These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31).
Die Pocket Testament League ist ein 125-jähriges christliches Missionswerk, dass das Bibellesen und die persönliche Evangelisation fördert.
Inspiriert durch die Vision eines Teenagers in 1893, haben mehr als 25,979 Mitglieder sich dazu verpflichtet, die Bibel, als das Wort Gottes "zu Lesen, bei sich zu tragen und zu bezeugen" und haben mehr als 110 Millionen Johannesevangelien in einfachen persönlichen Begegnungen weitergegeben. Die Pocket Testament League ist eine 501 (c)3-gemeinnützige Einrichtung. Lesen Sie mehr...
Seit 1893 motivieren und statten wir Christen aus, das Wort Gottes zu lesen, bei sich zu tragen und zu bezeugen.
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